- What does HORECA mean?
Horeca, sometimes written HORECA or HoReCa, is an acronym designating the hotel, restaurant and café business sector. In English, it has the same meaning and is understood as an acronym for Hotels, Restaurants and Catering.
- What are the most sought-after/requested professions in the HORECA sector?
Jobs related to service (chef de rang, barman, bartender), cooking (chef de partie, pastry chef), but also many multi-skilled catering agents and chambermaids.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in Luxembourg in this sector?
The sector is very dynamic in Luxembourg and very diversified. With a high density of gastronomic tables. The players in the catering industry, caterers, hotels and leisure sites are very present and use temporary workers on a daily basis. Salaries are interesting and rewarding compared to border countries, and our temporary workers can take part in exceptional events. A disadvantage? Problems related to daily mobility, with sometimes a lack of parking places in some areas.
- Can the temporary placement in the HORECA sector be considered as a “springboard” to permanent employment?
Yes, every year around 100 Adecco temporary employees sign a contract with one of our clients, two new hires per week. This also demonstrates the employability of our temporary workers.
- Are health and safety essential in this area?
Hygiene and safety rules have always been very present in the field, in particular through the HACCP rules. In the restaurant business as in everyday life, respecting food hygiene rules is essential. They avoid possible intoxications and allow you to eat healthy, without risk to your health.
They reflect the seriousness of the restaurant and its commitment to its customers. By evolving each year, they also adapt to changes (for example allergens).
- Are temporary workers trained in food safety and hygiene in the catering industry?
In our selection process, each candidate takes a test related to hygiene rules in order to validate their knowledge and skills. The debriefing of this test via an Adecco consultant also allows us to provide additional information and validate essential information. Finally, throughout the year, we organise HACCP and food risk management training courses with the support of the FSI and ISFB for 50 to 100 people in all professions. But also via our partner Signa for training on allergens for example, or on disinfection and cleaning rules.
Moreover, even during periods of confinement, we were able to offer webinars to our temporary workers to remind them of all these rules and impacts, adapted following COVID-19, and to prepare them before their return to the field.
- Is the wearing of personal protective equipment necessary in the HORECA industry?
This is obviously very important in a sector where hygiene rules are very present: safety shoes, specific work clothes, anti-cutting gloves...but also charlottes, single-use gloves. And soon...masks!
- How does Covid- 19 impact the hospitality industry?
The Horeca, but also the tourism and events sectors are the most affected by this crisis because there will be lasting effects. In all countries, these are the sectors that will open last. Barriers, sanitary measures and distancing make the life of the past obsolete. The closure of the establishments and the limitation of the number of people gathered will lead to the cancellation of all the events, concerts, banquets, various celebrations, which are traditionally very numerous in this period. The gradual reopening of schools, and of certain companies, but also the impact of teleworking, which will continue, are all factors affecting the catering and hotel industries.
- How do you see the future of the hospitality sector after this pandemic?
It's hard to say, who would have imagined a few weeks ago that in a few days almost the entire sector would be at a standstill. A whole "global market" has been impacted: food, beverage and equipment suppliers, etc. and of course service providers such as temporary employment agencies.
What can be feared the most? The closure of establishments and massive layoffs with a totally destabilized job market. More flexibility will be needed and the use of temporary work could be an optimal solution.
- How can we act to avoid the decline of the economic activity?
The sector will have to reinvent itself. For example, by moving more towards delivery, the "take away". New concepts will emerge to adapt to social changes. Opportunities will be explored, we are at the same time living in a time of transition, and everyone will have to review their business model.
The acceptance phase has passed, now it is time for the resilience phase and I believe in the capacity of the market players. And Adecco will be a partner for change.
Branch Adecco Hospitality :
43 Rue Sainthe-Zithe L-1424 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Tel : +352 29 60 10 1
Email : contact.h13@adecco.lu
More informations : here
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