Student contract in Luxembourg
Every student wants to have his own money, and luxembourger legislation authorizes students to work during school holidays. "That's a great news to find a student job!" Let us share your happiness and give you more good news.
What does it mean to be student in Luxembourg? According to ITM (Inspection du Travail et des Mines), everyone who is between 15 and 27, full-time enrolled in a teaching establishment in Luxembourg or abroad, until 4 months after the end of school registration. To resume, a student is:
- Between 15 and 27 years old
- Enrolled in a school less than 4 months ago
- Present during classes
You too? That means you are a student. And like any student, you got expenses to travel, eat, for your student room, for parties etc. Nothing better than a good student job during holidays, until 2 months per calendar year to finance everything. You can also work as temporary staff during evenings, after school or during weekends until 10 hours per week.
You may have to do an internship within your studies, and the best way to find one in Luxembourg is to have a strong network. Adecco Luxembourg is present accross the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg: in Pommerloch, Esch-sur-Alzette, Waserbillig and Luxembourg city. Let's be a team to consolidate your futur applications with a CV full of student jobs.
The wage for a student contract in Luxembourg is at least 80% from the revenu minimum garanti. It depends on your age when you sign the contract. Adecco Luxembourg proposes internships and student jobs throughout the year. Il dépendra de ton âge lors de la signature du contrat. Adecco Luxembourg propose des stages et des jobs étudiants tout au long de l'année. Furthermore we literally know the student contract in Luxembourg very well.
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