1. How did you hear about the CEO for one-month program?
My dad heard about it or saw it last year in LinkedIn but I decided not to apply before my Masters program. I made a note of applying in 2020 and ended up doing it this year!
2. What motivated you to participate in the “CEO For One Month” program?
I think compared to other internships where you are given really small or minor projects, the CEO for 1 month programme is really the only opportunity that you have to work with senior management and really be in a place where your decisions are heard and where you can make a difference. This is what motivated me to do it.
3. What were your expectations?
I think this year the decision was made so quick that it was a little bit difficult to have any expectations. I looked at previous CEO for One Month Luxembourg’s LinkedIn accounts, but even then it was very difficult to imagine what it would be like – especially in the coronavirus context, where I knew things would be a little bit different at the office.
4. What did you like most about the experience?
The thing that I liked the most about the experience was getting to spend time not only with Fabrice (Poncé), but also Julie (Noirhomme), François (Dauphin) and Stanislas (Dutreil). I really got an insight into the three different brands of Adecco and in that three complete different management style and personalities that corresponded to the different brands if that makes sense.
5. What do you remember from your experience as CEO Luxembourg?
I think the thing that I am going to remember the most about my experience as CEO for one month in Luxembourg is not simply the experience, but the people as a whole. I have gotten to meet so many incredible individuals in Luxembourg and also through the global challenges, meeting the other CEOs for one month. This is what I will remember the most.
6. What did this experience bring/learn to you on a professional and human level?
On a professional level, this experience has taught me that there is not one management style; there can be different ones and leaders can adapt to these. On a human level it has taught me the importance of teamwork and human connection to really make a corporation work!
7. As CEO, what are the tasks you have to perform?
I think the great thing about the CEO for one month program is precisely that you do not have any deliverables in the office, your deliverables are for the global challenges. When you are in the office, your task is to just sit, shadow, ask questions and give your feedback on the way The Adecco Group can improve, which is amazing.
8. According to you, what are the 3 most important qualities worthy of a good CEO?
Even if leaders have different management styles, there is definitely qualities that they all have. The first is that they all care about their teams. The second is that they anticipate change and they make decisions to adapt to that change. The third is that they keep a positive attitude and they stay composed through very difficult times, which I think has been especially relevant in the Coronavirus context this year.
9. What are your professional ambitions?
I think while this program has definitely sparked an interest in everything related to recruitment, my professional ambitions still remain in my field of interest and education, which is political economy and development. So, I would love to work in a European Institution or International Institution in the future.
10. What advice can you give to future candidates of the “CEO for 1 Month” program ?
I think the first thing would be to just apply. When I applied, I never thought I had a chance of being selected, but I did it! You don’t loose anything by submitting an application! In terms of my advice for the next CEO for 1 Month for Luxembourg, I advise you to be open, be flexible, and say yes to everything. I think trying be engaged in everything possible in the office is the way you are going to get the best out of this experience.
To find out more about the programme, visit CEOfor1month
Follow the news on Instagram #CEOfor1month
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